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Motorcycle Touring is one of the best ways to get away for a weekend and see some of the most beautiful places in the UK. It provides an adventure-filled getaway for groups and individuals seeking a fun and exciting time.

On Moto BOTC Blog, our readers are always informed about the latest routes to travel on and where the best campsites are for motorcycle tours. Some campgrounds in the UK have been specifically focused on groups of motorcyclists to have a comfortable stay.


Whether new to motorcycling or not, there are many things to consider when investing in the right motorcycle for you. On Moto BOTC, you can learn all about what to start with and what to get when you have more experience. We also include tips and advice on how to choose the right bike for touring.


Motorcycling has many different variations for how it’s used in the UK for activities and races. We provide information that all motorcyclists can find helpful with advice and techniques on how to enjoy any motorcycle trip. We also have a wide focus on the stats and figures revolving around the popularity of motorcycling in the UK.

Motorcycle Touring

Motorcycle Touring is one of the most popular means of taking a breakthrough the country and seeing scenic views along the way. We post many articles on where to stay when going on a motorcycle tour and how to get the most out of long trips.

Motorcycle Campsites

Throughout the UK, there are many campsites dedicated to providing motorcyclists on tour a comfortable and fun stay when taking a break from a long journey. We provide vital information on some of the most well-reviewed camping grounds with a focus on motorcycle tours.

Visit Moto BOTC frequently for newly posted and updated articles on motorcycles, motorcycle touring, and where to find motorcycle campsites in the UK.